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Joined 1 year ago
IN THIS ISSUE: 1) The Pedorthists Are Coming! The Pedorthists Are Coming! 2) Thank You Little Rock
IN THIS ISSUE: 1) Famous Casino Heists and Psychic Shoes 2) Medical Ultrasound for the Ankle and F
IN THIS ISSUE: 1) AUSTRALIA: The Australian Pedorthic Medical Grade Footwear Association (APMGFA)
IN THIS ISSUE: 1) Documentation for Smarties 2) CEP A Review of Foot Pain - A Step Forward for the
IN THIS ISSUE: 1) Overview of Casting Techniques 2) Casting Confusion? What to Know Before the Dye
IN THIS ISSUE: 1) Who is the Boss: The Back or the Foot? 2) Stepping Up to the Plate: Pedorthics a
IN THIS ISSUE: 1) PFA Presents Seymour Lefton Award 2) Best of Congress; Your Votes are In! 3) Ti
IN THIS ISSUE: 1) Get the Most Bang for Your Buck in Orlando — Follow Me! 2) Document, Document, D
IN THIS ISSUE: 1) Wound Care is a Team Approach 2) Physical Therapists and Pedorthists: Supporting
IN THIS ISSUE: 1) Grassroots Advocacy 101 2) PPACA: Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy Shares Her Opin
IN THIS ISSUE: 1) Stylish Footwear, Changing Trends: Industry Experts Provide Insight to each Gende
IN THIS ISSUE: 1) Casting Confusion? What to Know Before the Dye is Cast 2) Working Miracles? Pedo
IN THIS ISSUE: 1) CEP Pedorthic Utilization of Custom Molded Ankle Gauntlets 2) We Cannot Be One-D
IN THIS ISSUE: 1) Diabetes: Impact Your Patient with Knowledge 2) Navigating the Way through the T
IN THIS ISSUE: 1) King Tutankhamun Sported Orthopedic Sandals 2) King Tutankhamun – The Case Study